“Dog training often fails because people expect too much of the dog and not enough of themselves“ Anon
An important aspect of you being a dog owner is to make sure that your dog is trained to behave.
It’s not only for your convenience but for their protection as well. And dogs need to be trained both on and off their leash.
Your pet should also be trained to behave at home as well as in social settings outside the home.
They need to know how to avoid bad habits, such as chewing up your belongings or relieving themselves on the carpet.

But they also need to know how to play properly. Often, an older dog will help teach a younger dog how to play appropriately – without too much biting.
But if you have a puppy without an older role model, you may have to teach it yourself.
Your dog should be able to abide by certain basic commands, including such things as sit, stay, and leave it. These are important, simple instructions you’ll want your dog to comprehend in any situation.
Your dog should be able to abide by certain basic commands, including such things as sit, stay, and leave it. These are important, simple instructions you’ll want your dog to comprehend in any situation.
Be aware of worst-case scenarios.
Some people mistakenly take the approach of not caring whether or not their dog is well behaved. They feel like they can handle them in any situation. But you have to think of the worst-case scenarios.
For example, if you had a big dog, and it got loose and roamed the neighbourhood, it may be in danger if it didn’t behave with other humans or animals.
Or, take it one step further, and assume something horrible happened to you. Who would take your pet in and give it a new home if you were incapacitated or deceased?
You want to give your pet every opportunity to have a loving home in the event of an unforeseen emergency.
When dogs are not well behaved and trained, they usually end up in shelters across the country. If they’re unable to be socialized and act properly, they are often put to sleep because no families will want to adopt them.
Dog training doesn’t happen overnight
Being a pet owner requires you to invest some time and effort into training. It won’t happen in one day. There will be mistakes made along the way.
You can buy training books, watch courses online, or take your dog to training establishments that can help you.
There are also many training products on the market that can help you guide your dog in their behaviour.
For example, there are clickers and treats that can sway them to act the way you want them to.
However, generally speaking, a dog will do what its owner wants because it pleases him & they hate it if they do something wrong that makes their owner angry with them.
"Effective training is a partnership between you and your dog based on trust, love, and science. Strengthen your bond so you can train force-free."
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