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Transform A Favourite Photo Of Your Furry Friend
Into A Treasured, High Quality Portrait
That Will Last A Lifetime

As a dog lover I'm sure that, like me, your phone is chock-a-block with photos of your furry friend - and occasionally we flick back through them to remember the times we've had fun together (and the times when we'd probably wished weren't fiends at all!)

But wouldn't it be that little bit special to have a portrait of your dog hanging on a wall where, every day, it will bring a smile to your face?

With The Dogs Art, that's exactly what you can have.

Hi, I'm Di, the owner of The Dogs Products and a little while ago I got chatting to a local artist who specializes in pet portraits.


As she puts it, "I lovingly create portraits of beloved pets and best friends for you to treasure forever."

So I gave her a couple of photos of my "girls" and look what she did...

Griffons (2).jpg

And I'm delighted! It hangs on my wall at home & makes me smile every time I walk past it.

I think we should all take the time to commission a pet portrait. It's one of the best things you can do for your pet - and it will make you feel good too!

A pet portrait makes an excellent and unusual gift, too. Whether it's a Birthday or Christmas present for a friend or family member, a portrait will make a wonderfully unique present that provides happy memories for a long time to come.

So, take this opportunity to transform a photograph into a perfect and thoughtful gift for someone you know (maybe even yourself) as a reminder of their loyal, furry friend.

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